Tuesday, December 4, 2007


My oh my!!! Sunday night was the beginning of an amazing storm. Wind like I have never seen, the highest recorded gust was 81 mph at 2:30 a.m and that one took out the weather station so do not know how high it may have gotten after that, I know on the Oregon coast they had 130 mph gusts. We lost power about that same time. Don and I each had our head lamps, they work quite well for knitting in the dark!!!! And of course we had candles, and we have a battery latern, so we had lights. We have just this evening about 8 or so gotten our power back on. Of course just when all us neighbors got generaters. My good friend Kathye and her husband Mike seemed to come up with several and he loaned them to a couple of us but the power came on before we could get home from Olympia tonight so did not have to use it. They are saying that it could be up to 10 days before all the county is restored with power. Those of you that know what our old house is like ( 117yrs) so tall and all. Well when that ole wind hit the side you felt it. One gust inparticular was just like something just crashed into the side of the house. But we just swayed in the breeze and did not get any flying objects through windows and because we have a brand spanking new roof, we still have a roof!!! There where many shingles from places west of us in our yard. Because the weather warmed up so very much during the storm we really did not get to cold. At one point I checked the temp and it was 61. The winds lasted until Monday evening. Plenty long enough, there where still a few straggling gust even this morning. There where lines to get gas that where stretching for quite a ways, and then they where running out because there was a mud slide between here and Olympia and they where not letting the big rigs through on the detour. But the highway is open now and I see big gas trucks filling up the stations tonight. But Elma and Monte where pretty much out of gas. Aberdeen still has no power and points west of there. A main Bonneville power tower got taken out and so until that is fixed they can't really do much. Chad did go to work tonight, but Lisa and Tara have not gone to work yet. I had to go in today. It is very hard to discribe the damage it is so unbelievable. Trees are down like dominos and power lines too. 2 PUD workers where injured when trees feel on the truck. One seriously, he fell 40 feet from the bucket of the truck, they took him to Harborview. Paper said that as they cut trees out from in front of the ambulance they where falling just as fast behind the ambulance. Some of the cotton wood trees that they have planted around here look like someone just took an axe about 6 feet up and whacked them all off. Very interesting site. So a few more lights come on as each hour passes and a few more roads get opened up. I believe you can now go to Aberdeen on the main highway but not out, so have to go over Cosi Hill because Blue Slough is now closed because of high water.
Well, okay that quite a bit for now.


Unknown said...

Wow! I guess since we didn't get any hurricanes this year, you get all the bad weather.
Not to rub it in, but I was sailing in 80 degree weather on Saturday. Pretty nice this part of year in Florida.
So where are the pictures?

Pattywack said...

I know I didn't go out and take any. I'm going to try and get some from others.

sherriknits said...

Hey, Patty! I go offline for a few days (forced) and look what I found when I came back! I wouldn't have known if you hadn't put your pic on Ravelry. It was fun reading and seeing your pictures. Most of all, I'm glad to see you are still alive after that storm!
I put some pictures from here on my blog.

SueB. said...

Patty..so glad you all are OK. Poor Scotty.. a tree fell on his truck!

Unknown said...

Yeah! Where are the pictures???